Hall's   Yesterday Plots
Yesterday's Sunrise: 5:37a Sunset: 7:32p Station Date  07/25/24 Time  11:55p

Attic TemperatureAttic Temp  History

Outside Temperature
Outside Temp History

Rain History

Dew Point History

Ultra Violet Index History

Solar Radiation History

Barometer History

Outside Humidity History

Soil Moisture History

Soil moisture is measured on a scale of 0 to 200 centibars, and can help choose times to water crops.  A high soil moisture reading indicates dryer soil; a lower soil moisture reading means wetter soil.

Soil Temp History

Soil temperature provides temperature compensation for the soil moisture sensors,
greatly increasing the accuracy of the
soil moisture readings.


Inside Temp History

Hi Wind Speed  History

ISS Reception History

The ISS Reception rate shows the percentage of data packets that have been successfully received by the Vantage Pro console.

Air Density History

Air Density is a measure of the oxygen concentration in the air.  High air density readings indicate more oxygen in the air, thus impacting carburetor performance.

Current Weather 3day data Weekly Data Weather Info




High 109.7°F
at 3:08p

Low 75.2°F

at 11:50p



& Rain

High Dewpoint 71.0

Low Dewpoint 57.0

Rain 0.18in



Solar Radiation

& UV

High Solar 926W/m²
at 12:47p

High UV 4.1
at 12:27p



High Humidity 85%
at 11:34p

Low Humidity 18%
at 4:09p


Soil Moisture

Max 200 cb

Min 0 cb